BDO España
BDO España

Financial Services

Financial Services

The Spanish financial sector has undergone a profound transformation due to the necessary adaptation to the serious economic crisis suffered recently and by the entry into force of great and profound regulatory changes.

Both credit institutions, insurance companies and venture capital companies, investment services firms and collective investment schemes have had to adopt the stringent requirements introduced by National and European regulators, in search for flexibility that guarantees their survival.

Adapting to new technologies, increasing transparency and risk management have been combined with cost control and reduction, increased efficiency and solvency as indicators of good management.

With the considerable experience of BDO’s professional teams, we have advised practically all Spanish financial groups and this also has allowed us to collaborate directly, and with mixed teams, with the main National and European agents and regulators, such as the European Central Bank, FOBR, Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions or SAREB (Company for the Management of Assets proceeding from Restructuring of the Banking System).

Our proximity, agility and versatility, as well as the customer-oriented approach allows BDO to offer advisory services tailored to the needs of each client.

Our experience includes:

  • The audit of annual accounts
  • Regulatory compliance advice
  • Tax assurance
  • Valuations and transactions
  • Due diligence
  • Internal audit
  • Risk management advice
  • Management consulting
  • Forensic
  • Outsourcing